Bouncing Back from Upset
How to stir the pot of fun and play
Glimpsers, Microdosing Alchemy & High Flow
The ticket to your Inner world
Are you a Hot House Flower too?
I’ve been teased that I’m a delicate “hot house flower” given my distaste for the brisk waters of the northern Atlantic – even here in one of the southern most climes of Europe – the sunny warm Algarve. At its warmest in southern Portugal, which is late summer and fall, the Atlantic water average soars to 71°F. Dial the calendar back to the debut of “beach days” it’s considerably colder – in April it’s 61°F and…
I get letters: What do I do now?!
I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences and asking questions. This correspondence can offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing this one with you today… “Hi Becca, I have a question. You, like many others, use the words ‘you have to do the work.’ It’s all about doing the actual work. But what is the work? I have finally realized what my issues…
A Taste of Aristocracy – My New Home in Portugal
15% off nutritional supplements for your “temple”
Regardless of whether you’re microdosing, planning to do a full macro dose of psychedelics, or simply taking good care of yourself, it’s helpful to have access to nutritional supplements that won’t break the bank. As a clinician I have a professional account for leading brand nutritional supplements (read: the good stuff) and I’m able to offer a hefty 15% discount on your purchases if you live in the U.S. (sorry my friends in Europe!). I used…
You’re Nobody ’til Somebody Loves You?!
Those old crooners Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra reinforced the myth way back when in the song: “You’re nobody ’til somebody loves you … So find yourself somebody to love.” This upcoming Valentine’s week is a good reminder that that song and countless others like it – from most genres: rock, country-western, pop, jazz, the blues … you name it, are flush with lyrics that essentially say “I’m gonna die if I lose your love or have…