Blogs & Videos

My pivot to cannabis & spirituality

“Oh no, microdosing psilocybin won’t do a thing for me!” he exclaimed, in total disbelief during our initial discovery session. He went on to tell me he was wrestling with grief and depression from his partner dying a couple of years ago and trauma from an abusive childhood. “I need something stronger to knock all that out!” he declared.  In our take-a-pill-and-feel-better culture, people just want relief by taking that pill – or a whole bunch of them….
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Rinse & Repeat: War on Drugs? 

Did you see? Last month the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and state police nabbed a 23-year old man. Well, I really want to call him a kid but of course I’m a woman of a certain age – so everybody seems pretty young these days to moi (that is eu in Portuguese, where I’m now living;) Anyway, the cops and DEA in Connecticut arrested 23-year-old Weston Soule for growing whopping amounts of magic mushrooms in his house.
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Why psilocybin alone isn’t enough

“Oh no, microdosing psilocybin won’t do a thing for me!” he exclaimed, in total disbelief during our initial discovery session. He went on to tell me he was wrestling with grief and depression from his partner dying a couple of years ago and trauma from an abusive childhood. “I need something stronger to knock all that out!” he declared.  In our take-a-pill-and-feel-better culture, people just want relief by taking that pill – or a whole bunch of them….
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Psychedelics: Preparing for an intense experience

An important tool I use in my emotional release work is psilocybin microdosing. And, because of that, as a clinician, I’m tuned into the latest developments and research on psychedelics. In a world where psychedelics often get a cheerleading squad, I think it’s crucial to talk about why I adhere to tiny amounts of the substance in my work.
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What’s your favorite form of deceit?

Many of us claim to cherish honesty, but the truth is, we engage in various forms of dishonesty regularly. Research indicates that, on average, we will tell lies (including white lies!) approximately every half-hour during conversations.  These lies are often not deliberate as we’ve developed patterns of concealing or altering our genuine inner feelings – both to others and to ourselves and the lack of honesty can undermine our relationships.
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How would YOU react? 

Imagine going on a week-long all-inclusive retreat, settling in, and then finding out that there’s no running water. What would you do? This is what my retreaters were presented with when they showed up at our luxury villa in southern Portugal last week!  In fact, the whole experience got so cozy and familiar that it became a running joke that Kevin, the plumber, was everybody’s new best friend…
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