I know what it’s like to feel anxious – back in the day, I lived with anxiety for decades. Crippling anxiety actually, and it was particularly overwhelming in social settings, where I would perceive everyone around me as superior, telling myself that I was unworthy to be there and out of place.
Anxiety about how we come across and the fear of not being liked often underpins many of our social interactions. If we could read the minds of those around us during these moments, chances are, that many are feeling the same way. However, when we struggle with low self-esteem, it can be tough to believe that others share these feelings.
Enter the Mythological and Fantasy Creatures!
So, a few years ago, when I began creating my online LIVE courses (for emotional recovery) my biggest challenge was making it attractive to those who would run for the hills if they were going to be seen on Zoom. For someone wrestling with social anxiety and self-doubt (and I know!) just the thought of being visible in one of those small Zoom windows is enough to set nerves on edge.
So I had to think out of the (Zoom) box! As an emotions therapist, this course is the cornerstone of my work – designed to help a person break FREE of old patterns and difficult emotions – so they’re ready for transformation on all levels. However, I encountered a classic Catch-22: how could I effectively support someone who was reluctant to be visible yet needed to participate in this course to tackle their anxiety?
My participants’ privacy is my utmost concern. So here’s what I came up with: When you participate, you retain your anonymity by choosing the name and likeness of your favorite mythological or fantasy creature (for example, AKA’s have included Thunderbird, Phoenix, Inanna, Airmid). It works well – because focusing on our difficult emotions can get intense. However, in our sacred and mystical setting, unparalleled opportunities for growth, illumination, and fun emerge. All identities (face and name) are kept private by using the name and an image of your favorite mythological or fantasy creature.

Students enjoy this light-hearted approach to their anonymity and say that our group environment builds safety, trust, confidence, and helps you understand that everyone has common emotional upsets and patterns from the past – and can heal them!
Here are a few comments in regard to the experience:
I loved the anonymity in Becca’s course because it allowed us to be vulnerable without being known. One of the things I most benefited from is the value of bringing strangers together in a space of learning and learning from each other in a really deep way through what Becca has provided.
The group format is welcoming and supportive and I’ve met wonderful people on their own healing path. What more can I say? I’m hooked!
When we show up as our mythological character we don’t have to worry about how we look on camera. It’s so easy then to show up without our “shields” or how we’re presenting ourselves. There’s a quicker openness with the group – focusing on Becca but also focusing on ourselves and the feelings that are coming up. It’s pretty cool!
And here’s a short video of Hunter, a student of Emotional Liberation, talking with our community nurturer Carsey about his experience in the group setting where students stay anonymous:
So whatever difficult emotions are knocking on your head – maybe it’s not anxiety. Maybe it’s depression, anger, self-doubt, sadness, guilt, or a combination of any of those, you will discover the life-changing truth that Emotions Are Your Friends so that you can learn key methods to master your feelings… microdosing support included!
Our Emotional Liberation Masterclass: Escaping the Grip of Your Difficult Emotions, begins Tuesday, May 7th and we meet every Tuesday and Thursday, May 7 – June 1st.
If you have any questions just let me know. My door is always open.
With Love,
P.S. As an early bird registrant, enjoy a 10% Early Bird Discount until April 30th with code: Reset2024