The psychiatrist who chose spirituality over psychedelics

The intersection of science and spirituality can be elusive – as a lot of answers offered by spirituality are often dismissed by science. So while science is busy doing the heavy lifting of proving how the brain responds to psychedelics, spirituality offers its own intriguing, otherworldly perspectives. In this video, I want to introduce you to the work of a psychiatrist whose journey through both science and spirituality led to some astonishing insights.

What lurks behind your stress?

“I am so stressed, I am stressed all the time!” Miguel lamented. 

“Can you tell me more about what that means?” I ask. “Would you say you’re anxious or fearful about something?” 

“I don’t know,” he says shaking his head, “I’m just really stressed!”

Miguel is typical in that he uses the word “stress” as a place holder for what he’s feeling – because he doesn’t have the language to apply to what he’s actually feeling.

Try this when you can’t shake that awful feeling

What’s been coming up for you lately? Are you ruminating or obsessing about something that you can’t seem to shake? Well, I have some good medicine for that. We just completed my latest 30-day masterclass course on how to manage your difficult emotions. With that in mind, I want to share this practice with you – it gets to the heart of what’s knocking loudest on your head.

Release Triggers & Trauma

Why continue to struggle as a slave to your difficult emotions? … and at wit’s end with the anxiety, the depression, the anger, sadness, and/or self-doubt that may be ruling your world and keeping you stuck and in a state of emotional pain?

I assure you that you don’t have to live like this

Learn to tame your difficult emotions

When you get to know your body like it’s your best friend, learn to listen and talk to yours as if it’s a trusted confidante and allow yours to teach you about emotional freedom – you’ll be unstoppable. 

I love this approach to reclaiming control over your emotions. And making them work for you. It’s nearly unbelievable – but true … seeing your difficult emotions as your allies. I want you to experience this remarkable approach.

I have more I want to share with you in this video…

Social anxiety? I got you covered! 

I know what it’s like to feel anxious – back in the day, I lived with anxiety for decades. Crippling anxiety actually, and it was particularly overwhelming in social settings, where I would perceive everyone around me as superior, telling myself that I was unworthy to be there and out of place.

Bouncing Back from Upset

When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart with someone about something meaningful to you? I don’t mean a one-sided conversation – but a heartfelt interaction with a person you value who was invested as much as you in the discussion. There might have been voice raising, tears, and emphatic gestures.