What lurks behind your stress?

“I am so stressed, I am stressed all the time!” Miguel lamented. 

“Can you tell me more about what that means?” I ask. “Would you say you’re anxious or fearful about something?” 

“I don’t know,” he says shaking his head, “I’m just really stressed!”

Miguel is typical in that he uses the word “stress” as a place holder for what he’s feeling – because he doesn’t have the language to apply to what he’s actually feeling.

Experience Emotional Liberation?

Whew! This month-long course has been a loooong time coming – because when I moved to Portugal from Florida about 18-months ago, I never thought it was going to take me this long to pick up where I left off in the states! So much bureaucratic red tape and just the stuff it takes to get settled!

Social anxiety? I got you covered! 

I know what it’s like to feel anxious – back in the day, I lived with anxiety for decades. Crippling anxiety actually, and it was particularly overwhelming in social settings, where I would perceive everyone around me as superior, telling myself that I was unworthy to be there and out of place.

Your biggest questions answered

Over the past decade, my emotions work has been centered on curating environments where immersive experiences flourish – all within the comforting bounds of trust and safety.

Whether it’s online courses, personal sessions or retreats, it’s vital to create spaces where people interested in the use of psychedelic plant medicine for healing and spiritual transformation can feel at ease.

Why two sacred medicine paths? 

Over the past decade, my emotions work has been centered on curating environments where immersive experiences flourish – all within the comforting bounds of trust and safety.

Whether it’s online courses, personal sessions or retreats, it’s vital to create spaces where people interested in the use of psychedelic plant medicine for healing and spiritual transformation can feel at ease.

The cultural shift from pills to psychedelics

Take a pill and feel better! As Westerners that’s what we’ve been conditioned to do. No muss, no fuss! Just take the pill and be done with it! Of course, as we know for these “mood managing”medications, the trade-off is side effects. The side effect reported to me most frequently is the narrowing of the whole emotional spectrum.

My pivot to cannabis & spirituality

“Oh no, microdosing psilocybin won’t do a thing for me!” he exclaimed, in total disbelief during our initial discovery session. He went on to tell me he was wrestling with grief and depression from his partner dying a couple of years ago and trauma from an abusive childhood. “I need something stronger to knock all that out!” he declared. 

In our take-a-pill-and-feel-better culture, people just want relief by taking that pill – or a whole bunch of them. Of course, if that was an approach that worked, we wouldn’t have an epidemic of anxiety, depression and despair in our Western world.

Rinse & Repeat: War on Drugs? 

Did you see? Last month the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and state police nabbed a 23-year old man. Well, I really want to call him a kid but of course I’m a woman of a certain age – so everybody seems pretty young these days to moi (that is eu in Portuguese, where I’m now living;) Anyway, the cops and DEA in Connecticut arrested 23-year-old Weston Soule for growing whopping amounts of magic mushrooms in his house.

Why psilocybin alone isn’t enough

“Oh no, microdosing psilocybin won’t do a thing for me!” he exclaimed, in total disbelief during our initial discovery session. He went on to tell me he was wrestling with grief and depression from his partner dying a couple of years ago and trauma from an abusive childhood. “I need something stronger to knock all that out!” he declared. 

In our take-a-pill-and-feel-better culture, people just want relief by taking that pill – or a whole bunch of them. Of course, if that was an approach that worked, we wouldn’t have an epidemic of anxiety, depression and despair in our Western world.

Why the 60’s psychedelic revolution didn’t work

There’s a lot of talk these days about getting the most out of a psychedelic journey. Of course, if you’re plotting and planning to do one, it makes sense that you focus on the best way to leverage the experience in the long-term. And as I discuss in this reprise video, that also means taking a cue from how the 60’s missed the mark.