Cannabis & Kundalini: A MUST Watch if You Practice or Teach Kundalini

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At worst I could be considered a heretic, but since I’m not a card carrying member of “Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan” then I guess I’m just a maverick. And here’s what I have to say about that:

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So I do have a lot of kundalini students and teachers connecting with me to lament the prohibitive policy about mixing kundalini meditation with cannabis. Now I’m talking specifically about the dictates that emerge from what’s called “Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan”. And if you don’t know, Yogi Bhajan came over from India in the late 60’s and gained quite a following. He died in 2004 but his kundalini tribe has continued to grow all over the world. Now, Yogi B is quite a controversial figure in his own right and that’s another complication I can go into that at another time, if you want me to. Let me know.

I am a teacher of kundalini-like practices that emerge from his body of work but I learned a very different system – a revolutionary system – as taught and applied by one of his original students, a kundalini master in his own right. It’s a very experiential form of psychic healing; it healed me from deep trauma – and that’s why I teach it. This work is called “Emotional Liberation®” and I’m biased because I believe this work is the break-through 2.0 process to release difficult emotions and clear trauma. And when we judiciously add cannabis to this work, I and my students and clients find it accelerates the emotional healing process. Now my teacher doesn’t subscribe to cannabis but he’s ok with it. He’s a cool and obviously brilliant dude. And I love him to pieces. I write more about this on my website – just look up my origin story.

Anyway, I get letters… I love hearing from you. And just a couple of examples here about this issue. Recently, Jenna wrote me and said: “I found your website doing personal research. I am very into kundalini AND cannabis, but everything says they don’t mix! YOU think otherwise and I’d love to hear more. Thanks for sharing your message and life with us all.”

You bet! It’s my privilege to teach you this healing work.

And Bobby, a Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan teacher, says he does combine kundalini and cannabis but says he’s always kept quiet about it given the viewpoint of the kundalini community at large. He said, “I broached this subject once with a more seasoned teacher, and the response reflected, in my opinion, a rather simplified and outdated view of psychoactive substances in general, and of cannabis specifically. And he adds, “While I’ve always assumed there are many like me who are practicing kundalini with cannabis, hearing you talk about it was the first time I heard someone courageously stepping out of the closet.”

Yes, I’m out of the closet. But, you know, I’m not a card carrying member of “Kundalini as Taught by Yogi Bhajan” so I’m not forced into that rigidity. In Yogi B’s teachings, he wrote: – and this is directly out of their Instructor Textbook, page 250 –

“Smoking marijuana is the sickest thing on this planet. When you smoke it, it stimulates the brain cells and it constricts the spinal fluid, creating a drought condition in the skull.”

Well, as a clinician – I’m trained as a clinical nutritionist and I’m also a former health editor – I know that’s old out-dated information. Emerging Western cannabinoid science – the science of cannabis, refutes that perspective and is establishing many applications for cannabis as a neuroprotectant … it protects our brain cells. It also enhances the process of neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections developing new patterns of thought and behavior. That’s just scratching the surface. I have references on my website and I invite you to take a look.

In the end, cannabis, for our Emotional Liberation purposes, can amplify our focus for making the most of our Inner-explorations for emotional self-healing.

I always look forward to hearing your thoughts and answering your questions. Either/or – drop down into the comments section let me know and I’ll respond.

I’m Becca Williams and I want you to lead a magnificent life. And I want to help you do that.


7 thoughts on “Cannabis & Kundalini: A MUST Watch if You Practice or Teach Kundalini”

  1. To be clear, when Yogi B came over to the U.S and Canada during the turmoil of the 60’s and 70’s, it was in the thick of the hippie movement and psychoactive drugs were part of the scene to escape emotional pain and boredom. So Yogi B’s admonition of “No Drugs” to those who wanted to do kundalini with him made sense.

  2. Some great comments. The “orthodox” Kundalini establishment may still say cannabis is bad, but everyone is free to make up their own mind. Most of my yoga classes are in the morning, before I typically imbibe, but occasionally I will do an afternoon Kundalini session and it does add that something extra! I am also doing an individual meditation most afternoons now, with some very deep feelings. Thanks and keep up the great work!

    • Love your Field Report and the thoughtful and conscious way you’re feeling your way through in adding cannabis to your practice.

  3. Thank you Becca for addressing yet another controversial aspect that exists in physical and spiritual wellness communities.
    One person’s formulation or perhaps taking full credit for the formulation of a particular methodology of practices that can have beneficial results to some when applied does not make everything that person believes fact.
    “The sickest thing a person can do” ?
    I certainly believe and feel I am not alone in this, that there are FAR more potentially harmful actions one could undertake while engaging in a Kundalini or similar activity.
    I myself have found repatedly beneficial results from the incorporation of cannabis in many activities, whether Kundalini like or in more pleasurable pursuits 😊

    Peace and thank you for continuing to question the status quo on the path of ongoing liberation.


    • LOL! … more pleasurable pursuits – I believe, you may be alluding to carnal pleasures. Certainly sexual activity can be enhanced with cannabis. But back in the day when I was in huge insecurity and self-doubt about my body and my “performance”, cannabis intensified those emotions, which made me very self-conscious and uncomfortable during sexual interludes. Having said that, in order to heal from these emotions, I learned through Emotional Liberation how to go inward to release the self-doubt and Shame I carried.

      In the end, whether it’s going inward or cavorting with the external, cannabis is here for our wellbeing:) Thank YOU for your Field Report!

  4. I’m so happy to have found you! Perfect timing with the Yogi Bhajan revelations for me, I’ve released the yoke and am free to practice as I choose. Thank you. I appreciate you. XO

    • Excited to be connected with you Kim! Yes, this work, in many respects, I consider KY 2.0. My dear friend and developer of Emotional Liberation, GuruMeher, is a brilliant and intuitive being who has established the understanding that our emotions are our “inner guidance system” … I am humbled to be able to teach his work as a facilitator and build on it by adding the judicious use of cannabis. (AND, even more importantly, he is graciously accepting of my “twist” on this work – as cannabis is not part of his framework. However, I find among my clients and course participants that the plant medicine is a pivotal addition. I look forward to have you with me frequently to taste and apply this work:)


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