Here’s the bridge to your Soul

Being able to decipher this mystery is the code to living life effortlessly and easily… I mean it!   When I learned about this “bridge,” it brought order and meaning to my life – I want to explain in this video. 

Secret Sauce for Intimate Relationships

Have you ever noticed how, after any number of years being together, we can say some pretty petty things to our intimate partners? Of course, intimate relationships mean that we’re going to be with that person through all kinds of moods – theirs and ours. So it’s not unusual, for instance, that my partner would … Read more

Do you prefer a tumor?

“I never get angry,” says a character in one of Woody Allen’s movies. “I grow a tumor instead.” This is a hilarious line but a poignant reminder how profoundly emotions can affect our human physiological functioning. Yet, as a culture, we generally place our physical well-being over our emotional well-being. We see it all the … Read more

Glimpsers, Microdosing Alchemy & High Flow

Mystical traditions teach that there’s an infinite world inside of us – and the question for our Western minds has always been, “How do I access that infinite Inner world?” Of course most of us know that meditation is the one approach recommended time and time again…

6 ways to sharpen your emotional maturity

The bedrock of emotional maturity is learning, as I am fond of saying: “to surf the waves of uncertainty with grace and perseverance.” In order to do this we must be able to efficiently process the triggering emotions that arise when someone does or says something — or an errant thought arises that upsets us.

The joy of fading outer beauty

Last week was my birthday – it’s on Christmas eve so I play 3rd fiddle to Baby Jesus and Santa. It’s fine, I’m in good company. On this birthday for some reason what popped up for me was: “How far I’ve come!” I reveled in a personal celebration of the achievement of just being me.

Journey of awakening

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences… I call them “Field Reports”. And these field reports offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing one with you today (edited for length).

Yogi Bhajan: Toxic, Brilliant, Broken

Yogi Bhajan. I never knew the man, although I did marvel at the brilliant stuff he came up with. He died in 2004 but built a franchise from the ground up called Kundalini Yoga. He was from India and came to America in the midst of the hippie revolution.

Cannabis ≠ Ayahuasca

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences… I call them “Field Reports”. And these field reports offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing one with you today.