Are Kundalini and Cannabis compatible?

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences and asking questions. This correspondence can offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing this one with you today…

Love, Jen

If you’re not aware, my work includes Kundalini along with esoteric teachings and an understanding of the spectrum of emotions. Cannabis also plays a key role in this work.

I hear from many people about their view of meditation. The most common sentiment, especially among driven professionals, is that despite knowing the benefits, they struggle to slow down and sit for mindfulness meditation. Even guided meditation, where the narrative takes you somewhere calm and peaceful, like a walk in the woods, seems challenging for them.

People get itchy and twitchy in trying to settle down – and it makes sense.

We’re surrounded with endless sources of distraction and action… emails, texts, social media posts, news and more news. And go go go. And then we’re supposed to come out of that “distraction storm” in order to sit down, shut-up and go inward? Hmmm. How can that be reasonable? I believe it’s not for a lot of us. 

This is where cannabis – and kundalini come in. (As you may know, I also include microdosing psilocybin as a potent assist as well – but I’m going to focus on cannabis in this piece.)

If you’re familiar with my work, you know that I incorporate the judicious use of cannabis and ancient and active kundalini-like meditation practices as part of my teachings. It’s been experientially established that the combination offers a level of intensity that can break through the busyness of the mind. When we achieve this, we can move stuck energy and off-load nagging stress, Anger and Fear, and a host of other troubling emotions.

This, what I call, the “unmeditation meditation” is really working for you then.

In Western science we know that cannabis can relax the fight or flight response (as in anxiety) which greatly enhances the ability to focus and be present during our active meditation. CBD Research studies clearly suggest an anti-anxiety effect and a reduction in social anxiety for people who suffer with that disorder. So when a person feels this internal openness and spaciousness it’s easier to be present and go inward. At the same time, cannabis enhances the process of neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections developing new patterns of thought and behavior.

This can be very profound when you pair it with our expressive practices that include movement, sound and powerful breath work. From an esoteric spiritual perspective, cannabis is a gentle boundary-dissolving plant medicine. When judiciously applied, I believe it amplifies intentional focus so that you can work with what’s coming up for you and also strengthen your intuition – that voice of your Soul.

I call this the intersection where science and Soul come together. Western science is endorsing what the ancient wise ones have been espousing for thousands of years.

And to answer Jen’s question – how did the combination of Kundalini and cannabis get a bad rap? I’d suggest that one of the primary influencers who introduced Kundalini to the West, Yogi Bhajan, was a principal source for statements about cannabis that have since been thoroughly debunked by Western science. And given the revelations a few years ago that the long-deceased Yogi B was a sexual predator and power monger who took advantage of his students, his credibility is in ruins.

Where do you stand on meditation? Kundalini? What’s been your experience? Have you been able to make it a regular go-to in your life or is it a challenge to follow-though on a daily basis? Drop down to the comments section and let me know. 

With Love, 


P.S. Next year in May, we’ll be playing with emotional release, cannabis, psilocybin (both microdosing or full journeying) in my week-long retreat in spectacular Southern Portugal. Sound intriguing? Go here and find out more and begin making your plans to join us now – take advantage of the Early Bird pricing and plane ticket fares!

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