Rinse & Repeat: War on Drugs? 

Did you see? Last month the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and state police nabbed a 23-year old man. Well, I really want to call him a kid but of course I’m a woman of a certain age – so everybody seems pretty young these days to moi (that is eu in Portuguese, where I’m now living;) Anyway, the cops and DEA in Connecticut arrested 23-year-old Weston Soule for growing whopping amounts of magic mushrooms in his house.

6 ways to sharpen your emotional maturity

The bedrock of emotional maturity is learning, as I am fond of saying: “to surf the waves of uncertainty with grace and perseverance.” In order to do this we must be able to efficiently process the triggering emotions that arise when someone does or says something — or an errant thought arises that upsets us.

No cannabis for Vets: a crying shame

Currently a U.S. military vet who is in chronic pain, or is emotionally broken (often with post-traumatic stress disorder), or is dealing with other serious medical issues, is not allowed through the Veterans Health Administration to have access to medical cannabis. 

Journey of awakening

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences… I call them “Field Reports”. And these field reports offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing one with you today (edited for length).

Making your email a kindness practice

I was recently emailing back-and-forth on a matter with someone who does tech work for our little team of Emotional Liberation merry makers. I was asking some questions in regard to handling a particular thing that we had to deal with. His answer was an unvarnished…

Cannabis ≠ Ayahuasca

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences… I call them “Field Reports”. And these field reports offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing one with you today.

It feels vulnerable to tell you this

I was long embarrassed over my painful and difficult upbringing. There was nothing healthy or exceptional about my childhood. My parents divorced when I was very young – about 3. They hated each other and by extension my father was none too fond of me and moved far away and started a new family.