Taking care of yourself. Naval gazing works.

Just a quick note as I’m writing from Thailand (Chiang Mai specifically, in the north of the country). It was a long trip – between 4 flights and hefty layovers – 27 hours worth. I’m here physically but tired and discombobulated having landed late yesterday and flopping at a simple and clean little hotel near the airport. I tried everything to sleep (including breathing, counting backwards from 100 and even the podcast “Sleep with me.”

The psychiatrist who chose spirituality over psychedelics

The intersection of science and spirituality can be elusive – as a lot of answers offered by spirituality are often dismissed by science. So while science is busy doing the heavy lifting of proving how the brain responds to psychedelics, spirituality offers its own intriguing, otherworldly perspectives. In this video, I want to introduce you to the work of a psychiatrist whose journey through both science and spirituality led to some astonishing insights.

This one goes down in the books: Caught the Bug. Missed the Buzz.

I’m still sick as I write this – well maybe more high than sick since I took a WHOLE gummy to sleep. But now, I have a little energy and strength to focus and sit up. Until the sleep kicks-in. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. Last week I hopped on a plane to Holland to attend a 3-day psychedelic science conference.

Ink Knows No Age: My Tattoo Journey at Nearly 70!

Yes, at 68 I’ve decided to get my first tattoo. I wanted to share this with you because it isn’t just about body art; it’s a declaration that age is no barrier to new experiences (but you knew that 😉

At any rate, I’m excited to tell you about it and why I decided to do it – as well as an invitation to join me in breaking free of any constraints that you might be wrestling with.

Your biggest questions answered

Over the past decade, my emotions work has been centered on curating environments where immersive experiences flourish – all within the comforting bounds of trust and safety.

Whether it’s online courses, personal sessions or retreats, it’s vital to create spaces where people interested in the use of psychedelic plant medicine for healing and spiritual transformation can feel at ease.

Why two sacred medicine paths? 

Over the past decade, my emotions work has been centered on curating environments where immersive experiences flourish – all within the comforting bounds of trust and safety.

Whether it’s online courses, personal sessions or retreats, it’s vital to create spaces where people interested in the use of psychedelic plant medicine for healing and spiritual transformation can feel at ease.

Do shamans pick-up where gurus left off?

It used to be an easy shorthand to describe somebody at the top of their game as the “guru” of fill in the blank… the tech guru, the marketing guru, the fitness guru, etc. In Western vernacular, “guru,” came to mean someone who possesses deep wisdom, experience, and insights, and is often sought after for guidance or advice.

The cultural shift from pills to psychedelics

Take a pill and feel better! As Westerners that’s what we’ve been conditioned to do. No muss, no fuss! Just take the pill and be done with it! Of course, as we know for these “mood managing”medications, the trade-off is side effects. The side effect reported to me most frequently is the narrowing of the whole emotional spectrum.

For real? Demons, entities and psychedelic plant medicine

Demons – or spirit entities are a very real thing in the beliefs of indigenous cultures. And one of the beliefs is that whenever a person is in a state of altered consciousness, a portal can open for these malicious entities to “possess” a person – and maybe hang around long after. Having said that, we know that when a person takes psychedelics they are entering an altered state of consciousness.