If you’re looking forward to the possibility of joining me for one of my retreats in the future, I want to take a couple of minutes to explain an important dimension of my gatherings.

If you’re looking forward to the possibility of joining me for one of my retreats in the future, I want to take a couple of minutes to explain an important dimension of my gatherings.
Thank you Becca for the articulate, loving and smart explanation of your retreat! You’re openess is so inviting. It’s always wonderful to see and hear you, especially in “beautiful Portugal”!
Always Love, Damabiah
Damabiah, keeping your AKA fantasy figure close I see;)
Thank you for your lovely blessing! I feel so “seen” by you 😍 And Portugal is spectacular … for both the land and climate and importantly, the people.
I am interested in joining your retreat possibly in October?
Hi Annette, I will connect with you through email!