Top 5 Ways to Prepare for a Mass Extinction 

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Maybe you too? Whether it’s 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or more we’re hurdling toward wiping out life as we know it on this planet. That includes wiping out us.  I am so much fun, aren’t I?! But I believe we have to name it … the global … Read more

Do you prefer a tumor?

“I never get angry,” says a character in one of Woody Allen’s movies. “I grow a tumor instead.” This is a hilarious line but a poignant reminder how profoundly emotions can affect our human physiological functioning. Yet, as a culture, we generally place our physical well-being over our emotional well-being. We see it all the … Read more

Review of the robotic AI “Soul Guide”

The rise of artificial intelligence has been quietly creeping into our lives until, suddenly, it’s everywhere! Have you noticed? 

I even recently got a piece of email that gave me a double-take – an ad for an AI-powered “Soul Guide”. More on the Soul Guide in this video.

Why a “Yoga Body” is not enough

If you pay any attention to social media – such as Instagram or TikTok, you can see countless displays of beautiful bodies bending, flexing and flowing on a yoga mat. However this “yoga” in the Western world is vastly different than the yoga that emerged as an experiential science out of India thousands of years … Read more

Bouncing Back from Upset

When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart with someone about something meaningful to you? I don’t mean a one-sided conversation – but a heartfelt interaction with a person you value who was invested as much as you in the discussion. There might have been voice raising, tears, and emphatic gestures.

How to stir the pot of fun and play

When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart with someone about something meaningful to you? I don’t mean a one-sided conversation – but a heartfelt interaction with a person you value who was invested as much as you in the discussion. There might have been voice raising, tears, and emphatic gestures.

Glimpsers, Microdosing Alchemy & High Flow

Mystical traditions teach that there’s an infinite world inside of us – and the question for our Western minds has always been, “How do I access that infinite Inner world?” Of course most of us know that meditation is the one approach recommended time and time again…

The ticket to your Inner world

Mystical traditions teach that there’s an infinite world inside of us – and the question for our Western minds has always been, “How do I access that infinite Inner world?” Of course most of us know that meditation is the one approach recommended time and time again…

You’re Nobody ’til Somebody Loves You?!

Those old crooners Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra reinforced the myth way back when in the song: “You’re nobody ’til somebody loves you … So find yourself somebody to love.”  This upcoming Valentine’s week is a good reminder that that song and countless others like it – from most genres: rock, country-western, pop, jazz, the blues … Read more