I get letters: Cannabis – too much, too fast

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences and asking questions. This correspondence can offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing this one with you today…

Dear Laura,

Yes, absolutely your experience was real!

But before I get into that, I want to digress slightly as it’s important to what you’re experiencing. As a clinician with a background in clinical nutrition, I’ve been taught to interpret these occurrences through the lens of science. BUT, in working with plant medicines – cannabis as well as psilocybin – I find that for people I work with, it’s far easier to understand, appreciate, and accept these happenings when seen through the lens of the art of working with these practices and plants. That’s because the esoteric practices, which affect people very individually, are the opposite of the rigid framework of science.

So having said that and working with emotion states as an emotions therapist, I will say that certainly your soul wants you to be in touch with these difficult emotions so that you can release them. With the judicious and thoughtful use of cannabis (and psilocybin – but we’re talking about cannabis specifically here), our emotion(s) can be amplified through this work, bringing it to the surface, so we can work with them to process and release.

However, the way you describe it, I would suggest it happened too fast for you and you were overwhelmed (it can even be re-traumatizing). As sensitive as you are, I’d suggest that you dial back the amount of THC. Equal amounts of THC and CBD can still be pretty strong for sensitive beings. “Start low, go slow, stay low,” are my words of advice in doing this emotional release work. But it is an experiential process (as in, it’s an experiment) so good for you for trying different things. So learning from that experience and going forward you can try it in lower amounts.

In fact, a very energetically sensitive student in one of my group master courses found the 2:1 (twice as much CBD as THC) that I suggest, still too much for them. He did a calculation to create a 20:1 ratio (blending 20 times as much CBD as THC), which worked well for him; some other fellow students followed suit finding it beneficial as well.

My work is a combination of esoteric practices that, for one, condition your nervous system so that you can feel without becoming overwhelmed and building awareness so you can feel what you’re feeling. We employ cannabis to gently support this technology.

Laura, I love that you’re listening to your body because trauma resides in the body. We need to learn to be in touch with it so that we can release this stuck energy. This is a learnable skill and our intuition (our soul) plays a vital role in doing this.

With Love,


P.S. Dear readers, does this resonate for you? I invite you to drop down to the comments section and let me know.

P.P.S. I’ve scheduled a Cannabis Elevation Ceremony for next month, so you can try this out! If you have an interest and would like to join this complimentary session, you can register your interest here.

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