Wow, when I casually mentioned at the end of my blog last week about maybe holding an online Cannabis Elevation Ceremony, I was surprised by the robust response!
So let’s do this! I have more to share with you about it in this video.
Hi, It’s Becca. So, long before I introduced psilocybin into my revolutionary mix of emotional healing, the plant medicine that was the companion to my Emotional Liberation work was cannabis. Many of you who’ve been with me for a while know this.
I’m a long-time cannabis advocate, and especially as it relates to advancing states of higher consciousness. In my role as a ceremonialist, I create communal experiences that support transformational healing and awakenings and include, in this instance, cannabis as our “spirit plant medicine.” I love to do this in groups because, as humans, we have a profound yearning for connectedness to self and to others.
So this is where the cannabis elevation ceremonies come in. I want to gift you this experiential journey so you can experiment with this work – or re-kindle your passion for it if you were with us when I was doing this from Denver.
Our session will be about 90-minutes give-or-take, and it’s designed to give you new approaches to self-discovery and self-love as I guide you through some learnings and then a series, which we call a kriya, of cleansing and active body and breath movements … which will offer release, renewal, and healing.
So I’m planning something very special. And what I need from you, if you have an interest and you plan to join us, is to find out what day works best. We need to schedule a time that works for all of us.
As you may know, I’m in Portugal these days, in Europe, so if I plan for 7pm my time, it’ll be 11 in the morning on Pacific time and 2 in the afternoon on Eastern time in the U.S.
So because of that, and people working during the week, I’m thinking a weekend day would be best. But I want to hear from you.
Yes, the session will be recorded. However, I prefer to gather everyone live whenever possible. The energy and atmosphere of a live event can be truly invigorating. Of course, watching the recording and following the guidance still allows you to experience this energy, but it does require more perseverance to stay engaged when you’re on your own.
So there’s the low-down.
I do need to share with you two videos that will prepare you for our time together in the Cannabis Elevation Ceremony. One is how to set up your space to get the most from our ceremony. And the other is, if you’ll be using cannabis, how much and what type… so that you can make sure you have your plant medicine, and have it by your side when we’re ready to go. Ok?
So what I need you to do is email me at my personal email address: and let me know if you are ok with a weekend gathering, which will be in the morning or afternoon in the U.S. and then early evening over here in Europe. And any other thoughts or questions on this that you might have.
By sending this email to me, I’ll have yours so we can send the preparation videos directly to you. Sound good?
Ok,. Very exciting. Very exciting for me because it’s been a few years since I’ve done this online. And I think it’ll be fascinating for you too!
I’m Becca Williams and I want you to lead your most magnificent life, I want to help you do that.
Comments about my Cannabis Elevation Ceremonies …
“The ceremony put me in a place where I felt I could evaluate what I was feeling, both physically and emotionally, in a way that pulled me out of my emotional response.” – Patti R.
“I can not tell you how much I loved the ceremony. I have already incorporated 2 of the breath practices into my daily meditation. I feel so alive when I am done.” – Andrea D.
“I loved the guided psycho-spiritual journey and appreciated having a ceremonial space that made it feel powerful!” – Jason C.
“You have got me excited once again about my journey through this magnificent illusion we call life.” – Stephen P.

Hi Becca!
I would love to participate in an online ceremony with you. Your 7:00 Portugal time works for me on a weekend, with enough time to get it on the calendar. Excited!
Ingrid! 💚 Perfect! You’re in! Likely in early September:)
Very interested! I would be fine to join at 7pm your time.
Great Kim 😍 … you’re in! Likely in early September:)
7pm at the weekend 🙌 works for me I’m in thank you so much x
Laura, that’s right Ireland and Portugal – same time! Easy peasy:) Yay! 🥰