No wonder we try so hard to avoid rejection!

Oh, the rejection of it all… About 4 years ago, I moved my emotions and trauma recovery practice to be almost fully online. Of course, when you’re online you need to do things to attract the people who are interested in your work – it’s called marketing:)

Imagining Beyond “420.” Your thoughts?

Who knew that the activity of 5 California high school guys 50 years ago would be the genesis of paying homage to cannabis?! Back then, “420” was the code-word they made up to express: “let’s get together and smoke some cannabis” because 4:20pm was their gathering time after classes.

He Uses Cannabis as an Emotional Healer

Cannabis is an emotional healer for me! Suddenly when I smoke I start to cry thinking about the past. And I get certain feelings when I smoke that come to the surface – feelings I have been suppressed now come free and get released. Also it’s healed my whole body too. My bones or ears … Read more

Being WOKE ain’t being AWAKENED

A number of years ago I followed a popular quasi-vegan diet called macrobiotics. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It was imported from Japan and was actually more than a diet – it was a way of living in balance and embraced the Eastern spiritual principles of yin and yang, or the rhythms of the Universe.

Cannabis & processing emotions

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences… I call them “Field Reports”. And these field reports offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing one with you today.