Elevate carefully with THC! 

Dear Bonnie,

You’re not alone in experiencing this issue with THC. But it’s easily taken care of and I’m going to explain how for you and anyone else wondering about this.

But first, I’m going to tell you why it happens. Then I’m going to give you a recommendation for how to join us and get the most out of our gathering, okay? 

For many, many people, THC, by itself, potentiates anxiety (that is, it increases the power of it). Actually, when people report this to me, I always ask if they usually grapple with anxiety in their day-to-day life (when there’s no THC in the equation) and the answer is categorically yes. So this tells me that the emotion is very close to the surface for them – and wants to be released.

This is exactly the reason that THC is so helpful when we do our emotional release work. It amplifies the difficult emotion so it makes it easier to process and release. But, having said that, we need to be very thoughtful about the amount and type we use – otherwise the emotion (in this instance, anxiety) becomes too intense. And this too much, too fast whoosh can throw a person into total disarray and/or get numbed out. And, when that happens, the opportunity is lost for processing and releasing the heavy emotional energy.*

Creating your ideal “sweet spot”

Finding what works for you is easily managed. First, I never suggest THC by itself when doing this spiritual work. I always recommend that your cannabis needs to be a judicious combination of THC and CBD. There are many other cannabinoids but these two are the “stars” and the best known and serve our purpose well.

I have a more detailed explanation in this video, which will give you a good primer on how to prepare your cannabis for our time together.

But here’s the take home message: I suggest at least two times the amount of CBD as THC. CBD calms the “fight or flight” response. In other words, the CBD will calm your nervous system as the THC amplifies the emotion you’re summoning.

I also would suggest if you’re unsure about using THC, just use CBD as it will open you to the movement of energy and put you in a good place for this emotional release work. And then, in other ceremonies, you can start adding in THC.

Register here for my first Cannabis Elevation Ceremony in years!

Join me on Saturday, September 14th for an online Cannabis Elevation Ceremony – my gift to our awakening community. In this gathering, you can take our industrial strength meditations (or some call them, “neuro-workouts”) for a spin to release whatever is knocking loudest on your head. The practices and (optionally) small amounts of cannabis will ground you to pull you through to the other side so you can come away reset and renewed.

If you haven’t already, you can register here. When you register, you’ll also be enrolled to get my weekly newsletter (which you can always unsubscribe to – I don’t want to keep anybody prisoner 🫣).

Let me know if you have questions.

With Love,


*but don’t fret! The beauty of this spiritual work with cannabis is that it’s all experiential. And if you lose the opportunity this time for inner exploration, wait a day, adjust your amounts and try again!

P.S. I found this article from The Atlantic, Marijuana Is Too Strong Now. It examines the reported effects of rising THC levels in cannabis products and argues for stronger regulation to increase consumer safety. What are your thoughts? Drop down into the comments section and let me know.

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