How Toxic is YOUR Anger?

How’s your temper? Do you have one? (In fact, the answer is yes – most people have a temper, even if they don’t think they do). In our society the proverbial “bull in the china shop” gets all the Anger notoriety. However another prominent shade of Anger is the repressed complaining, blaming, whining, and irritated Anger.

Making your email a kindness practice

I was recently emailing back-and-forth on a matter with someone who does tech work for our little team of Emotional Liberation merry makers. I was asking some questions in regard to handling a particular thing that we had to deal with. His answer was an unvarnished…

Yogi Bhajan: Toxic, Brilliant, Broken

Yogi Bhajan. I never knew the man, although I did marvel at the brilliant stuff he came up with. He died in 2004 but built a franchise from the ground up called Kundalini Yoga. He was from India and came to America in the midst of the hippie revolution.

Cannabis ≠ Ayahuasca

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences… I call them “Field Reports”. And these field reports offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing one with you today.

It feels vulnerable to tell you this

I was long embarrassed over my painful and difficult upbringing. There was nothing healthy or exceptional about my childhood. My parents divorced when I was very young – about 3. They hated each other and by extension my father was none too fond of me and moved far away and started a new family.

Your Emotions: How to listen to them

Is it just me or do you also see a lot of people wrestling with anxiety (maybe you included)? The formal statistic is that about 18% of our population is affected by some form of anxiety – although those are the ones medically diagnosed.