Psychedelics: Spirituality over Science

You may or may not have heard that the psychedelic community’s abuzz over what amounts to a HUGE defeat in moving psychedelics to a place of legal acceptance in the United States. And, of course, it’s considered a defeat for the rest of the Westernized world – given the U.S.’s outsized influence on such matters.

For real? Demons, entities and psychedelic plant medicine

Demons – or spirit entities are a very real thing in the beliefs of indigenous cultures. And one of the beliefs is that whenever a person is in a state of altered consciousness, a portal can open for these malicious entities to “possess” a person – and maybe hang around long after. Having said that, we know that when a person takes psychedelics they are entering an altered state of consciousness.

Kundalini rising from the “Harvey Weinstein of Yoga”

I have an abiding interest in this. As you may know, an important aspect of my work pulls from kundalini yoga – along with a potent blend of ancient Hindu traditions, microdosing of plant medicines and brain science – all focused on relieving emotional distress and trauma. Because a component of my work is rooted … Read more