Psychedelics: Preparing for an intense experience

An important tool I use in my emotional release work is psilocybin microdosing. And, because of that, as a clinician, I’m tuned into the latest developments and research on psychedelics. In a world where psychedelics often get a cheerleading squad, I think it’s crucial to talk about why I adhere to tiny amounts of the substance in my work.

Beyond microdosing – Your nervous system wants THIS! 

Maybe you’ve been searching for ways to feel better emotionally – and have come across microdosing. That is taking tiny amounts of psilocybin for out-of-control emotions… to reduce anxiety and irritability, relieve depression and boredom and, over all, wanting a greater sense of wellbeing. 

Here’s the bridge to your Soul

Being able to decipher this mystery is the code to living life effortlessly and easily… I mean it!   When I learned about this “bridge,” it brought order and meaning to my life – I want to explain in this video.