15% off nutritional supplements for your “temple” 

Regardless of whether you’re microdosing, planning to do a full macro dose of psychedelics, or simply taking good care of yourself, it’s helpful to have access to nutritional supplements that won’t break the bank. As a clinician I have a professional account for leading brand nutritional supplements (read: the good stuff) and I’m able to … Read more

You’re Nobody ’til Somebody Loves You?!

Those old crooners Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra reinforced the myth way back when in the song: “You’re nobody ’til somebody loves you … So find yourself somebody to love.”  This upcoming Valentine’s week is a good reminder that that song and countless others like it – from most genres: rock, country-western, pop, jazz, the blues … Read more

Predators at Psychedelic Retreats… a cautionary tale

There are people – generally wealthy, white and bored people – who frequent psychedelic retreats to entertain themselves by drawing others into, essentially, a game of seduction. What I’m about to tell you is the first time I’ve ever spoken publicly about this experience. It’s long but I want to share it with you as … Read more