Defying dystopia & being 69-ish

I’ve had a strange compulsion since Trump won the White House – I’m drawn to dystopian films and series. And, at the same time, I find myself reflecting deeply on what can be done when faced with overwhelming societal challenges.

Want to check-out Portugal?

This is a little off-topic from my usual letters, but – not really – as you’ll see. I invite you to just keep reading. The week after the presidential election, Ron and I got a lot of comments (along with assorted emoticons!) in emails from friends. I guess you could say it was in a congratulatory vein.

What to do about Thanksgiving?

I’m not a big fan of commercial holidays – think Valentine’s, or Mother’s and Father’s Day where you’re made to feel obligated to “honor” a loved one. In fact, I always like to honor people close to me without an “enforced” holiday nipping at my heels – forcing me into doing it.

Please Don’t Subject Me to Torture

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately in the wake of the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny. I often say I’m not afraid to die. Yes, I do love living – but I’m also fine with dying when the time comes.

Rinse & Repeat: War on Drugs? 

Did you see? Last month the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and state police nabbed a 23-year old man. Well, I really want to call him a kid but of course I’m a woman of a certain age – so everybody seems pretty young these days to moi (that is eu in Portuguese, where I’m now living;) Anyway, the cops and DEA in Connecticut arrested 23-year-old Weston Soule for growing whopping amounts of magic mushrooms in his house.

With Love from Portugal: The “Friendly” Gap… Why Americans Find the Portuguese So Open and Warm

Kindness is such a powerful medicine isn’t it? When someone extends a kindness to me or an act of generosity it’s natural to take that special energy and pay it forward. In other words, kindness can beget kindness. That’s why I believe (you too?) that when we choose positivity it’s an energy that enhances everyone’s … Read more

Predators at Psychedelic Retreats… a cautionary tale

There are people – generally wealthy, white and bored people – who frequent psychedelic retreats to entertain themselves by drawing others into, essentially, a game of seduction. What I’m about to tell you is the first time I’ve ever spoken publicly about this experience. It’s long but I want to share it with you as … Read more