Cannabis: when medicine becomes poison?

I was flabbergasted – it was almost beyond belief. Last week, the New York Times recited a litany of horror stories about cannabis causing severe health issues. The article, As America’s Marijuana Use Grows, So Do the Harms (I’ve gifted the link so you can read it, in case you missed it) presented accounts from doctors, researchers, health officials and, most importantly, the people who take cannabis as a medicine for countless health issues, including anxiety and depression, migraines, relief from painful symptoms of cancer and AIDS (all mentioned in the NYT story).

Are Kundalini and Cannabis compatible?

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences and asking questions. This correspondence can offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing this one with you today…

Elevate carefully with THC! 

“Dear Becca – I like the idea of trying out your cannabis elevation ceremony (especially when it’s free;) but I have this fraught relationship with cannabis and am a little leery about doing it…”

I get letters: Cannabis – too much, too fast

I often get letters from folks sharing their experiences and asking questions. This correspondence can offer spectacular insights and musings that answer questions that many others have on their mind. So I’m sharing this one with you today…

What lurks behind your stress?

“I am so stressed, I am stressed all the time!” Miguel lamented. 

“Can you tell me more about what that means?” I ask. “Would you say you’re anxious or fearful about something?” 

“I don’t know,” he says shaking his head, “I’m just really stressed!”

Miguel is typical in that he uses the word “stress” as a place holder for what he’s feeling – because he doesn’t have the language to apply to what he’s actually feeling.

If “Anxiety disorder” is a mental illness, then are most of us mentally ill? Enter Cannabis.

Back in the day, anxiety was the wallpaper and furnishings of my mind. I (somehow) soldiered through, but living in anxiety was a way of life for me. I’d panic in social situations, I’d worry about upcoming events (that paranoid feeling of suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification), and I’d ruminate – focusing on repetitive thoughts of catastrophe.

Is THIS the Secret Emotion that you struggle with?

I have a friend who by any measure of success has “made it”. He’s an acclaimed authority in his field; he makes good money and others clamor to work with him.

Yet, he feels as if he’s never caught-up. As a perfectionist he’s nose to the grindstone working nights and weekends but seldom claims victories.

Are there shades of this in you? If so, you may have a form of depression, what’s called cold depression, that’s the opposite of what we normally imagine depression to be.

For real? Demons, entities and psychedelic plant medicine

Demons – or spirit entities are a very real thing in the beliefs of indigenous cultures. And one of the beliefs is that whenever a person is in a state of altered consciousness, a portal can open for these malicious entities to “possess” a person – and maybe hang around long after. Having said that, we know that when a person takes psychedelics they are entering an altered state of consciousness.