I’m so glad you’re here… thanks for joining me!

Okay, now that we have that business out of the way, while you’re here, check out some recent blogs you may have missed.👇

Blogs and Videos

Weekly content from Emotional Liberation with BECCA WILLIAMS

Anxiety & Excitement: 2 sides of one coin
Imagine you’re standing at the edge of a stage, moments away from delivering a speech… Your palms are sweaty, your heart’s pounding, and your stomach is hosting a gymnastics competition. Are you anxious – or excited?
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A special word for my US readers (+ 69-ish)
I just want to take a moment and speak to my readers in the United States and say that my respect and compassion go out to everyone who’s genuinely wrestling with how best to resist what’s coming in the wake…
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Defying dystopia & being 69-ish
I’ve had a strange compulsion since Trump won the White House – I’m drawn to dystopian films and series. And, at the same time, I find myself reflecting deeply on what can be done when faced with overwhelming societal challenges.
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