You’re swimming well
Keep strengthening your emotional resilience and exploring deeper waters of well-being
From your honest answers to the emotions quiz, it appears you have an emerging awareness of your feelings– and know that difficult emotions won’t go away on their own. Your experience has shown you that attempts to ignore or stop them are futile. But you’re left wondering what to do about them?
Here’s a hint: if you try to understand your emotions as the way your own loving soul speaks to you, this one idea can change everything. Even when you feel really bad, your emotions are serving you – trying to get your attention, bringing information, offering solutions, and demanding that you take action. This awareness leads to spiritual awakening.
In fact, emotions play a crucial role in your awakening process by connecting you with your soul, which guides you to the healing path. On a subconscious level, you may be beginning to realize that emotions are the voice of your deepest needs, hopes, and truths. This creates space for divine knowledge and wisdom to enter.
As you uncover emotional wounds that need healing, you might feel compelled to find support, helping you eliminate negative thoughts.
If you wish, I can help you with your exploration.
- I offer self-guided online courses so that you can own your healing. Click here to learn more.
- Join me for my upcoming Portugal retreats.
Remember, this quiz is for personal insight and should not replace professional advice.