Let’s talk Taylor, deepfake porn, and the queer community

Call me backward, but my true introduction to the term “deepfake porn” came in January with the unsettling news of Taylor Swift becoming a victim of it. She emerged as the focus of what’s called, “image-based abuse” in January, where sexually explicit content is created using AI to realistically superimpose people’s faces onto bodies not their own. I was curious about it and with easy browsing, it didn’t take me long to find the repulsive internet images.

Why the 60’s psychedelic revolution didn’t work

There’s a lot of talk these days about getting the most out of a psychedelic journey. Of course, if you’re plotting and planning to do one, it makes sense that you focus on the best way to leverage the experience in the long-term. And as I discuss in this reprise video, that also means taking a cue from how the 60’s missed the mark.

Beyond microdosing – Your nervous system wants THIS! 

Maybe you’ve been searching for ways to feel better emotionally – and have come across microdosing. That is taking tiny amounts of psilocybin for out-of-control emotions… to reduce anxiety and irritability, relieve depression and boredom and, over all, wanting a greater sense of wellbeing. 

How wise are you? Take this quiz

A friend of mine was telling me about her doctor who has diagnostic tools that measure the age of the cells in a human body. “I’m 58 chronologically but my body is that of a 62 year old,” she said matter of factly, quoting the results her doctor gave her. I was astounded. “Is this … Read more

Here’s the bridge to your Soul

Being able to decipher this mystery is the code to living life effortlessly and easily… I mean it!   When I learned about this “bridge,” it brought order and meaning to my life – I want to explain in this video. 

Secret Sauce for Intimate Relationships

Have you ever noticed how, after any number of years being together, we can say some pretty petty things to our intimate partners? Of course, intimate relationships mean that we’re going to be with that person through all kinds of moods – theirs and ours. So it’s not unusual, for instance, that my partner would … Read more