Why Explore Psychedelic Cannabis?

“When the pain of being stuck hurts more than the pain to change”
This is the tagline on my website for why people should connect with me.
I think it’s brilliant – and I had nothing to do with creating it.
It actually comes from a man who emailed me thanking me for helping him quell the emotional turmoil he’d been wrestling with.

Finally! Spiritual Cannabis gets scientific recognition

Humans have been communing with the cannabis plant for thousands of years… ritual use has been discovered in archeological digs in China, India and Israel dating as far back as 2500 years (and that’s what we know!).

But today, as cannabis has become “normalized” or mainstreamed in Western societies, it’s lost much of its specialness as a plant conferring higher consciousness.

“Light me up!” is still the call of cannabis

All the fancy-schmancy gimmickry for consuming cannabis has yet to steal fire from the preferred approach of smoking! Can you believe it? And with all the new “cannabis naive” people coming my way,I decided it’d be helpful to offer up my favorite tips for the time-honored tradition of preparing a joint.

When Trauma & Meditation Don’t Mix

Yes, meditation is being talked about and promoted in every corner of our culture these days. The most popular form is called mindfulness meditation. But as I discuss in this week’s blog, if you’re struggling with a highly emotional mindset, you may need to proceed with caution.

Ready for a Walk on the Shadow Side?

Have you heard the term “shadow work”? It’s one that’s volleyed about in discussions of personal growth and transformation. I explain in this week’s blog, how “shadow work” is a very appropriate term in healing and feeling better about yourself.

Sex Predators Know You Just Want Love

There’s a shit show happening in the yoga community known as “Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan.”

After several months of speculation and accusations, a 3rd party investigation of Yogi Bhajan released its horrific findings – damning conclusions of widespread and on-going sexual abuse, molestation and rape.

Is Psychedelics the Answer to Emotional Suffering?

We’ve been trying to solve emotional suffering for a long time – thousands of years.

Everything from ancient and contemporary ascetics meditating in caves and ashrams to years “on the coach” in psychoanalysis. And prescription meds, lots and lots of prescription meds.